Write a dual narrative story about two people who each learn a secret about the other.

A dual narrative is a form of story which is told from two different perspectives. What can this form allow you to do when telling a story like this?

Retelling the Tale

The ending of The Listener's Quest


"And with a cheer from the people in the pews, Savvy and Iam finally had their happy ever after..." Ruby's mother, Rosierra closed the book.

"Surely that can't be it? I want to know more!" Ruby exclaimed. She yawned.

"There is something else..." Rosierra stood and got down on her knees.

She began rummaging around under her bed. After a few minutes, she stood up and turned around. A glowing ball was nestled in her hands. She gently tapped it and it opened.

It was instantly attentive. It fluttered around the room with happy sounds. It noticed Ruby and hovered around her. It lifted her hand and made a laughing noise.

"What are you...?" Ruby asked. She took one of her fingers and gently tapped the point on its head.

"This is MoonLI. MoonLI, this is Ruby, my daughter." Rosierra smiled.

MoonLI made a giggling sound and flew to sit on the top of Ruby's head.

Rosierra laughed. "Adam, would you come here dear?"

Adam, Ruby's father, peeked into the room with a sandwich in his mouth. He lifted his hand and shoved the rest into his mouth before speaking. "Is it time?" he asked.

"Yes." Rosierra nodded.

"Sweet." Adam walked over to Ruby and put an arm around her shoulder. He held a knuckle up to MoonLI and it touched a small arm to his hand.

"MoonLI, do you mind creating that portal for us, please?" Rosierra asked.

MoonLI flew off Ruby's head and circled over and over until blue sparks started forming and a town appeared. MoonLI stopped circling and looked proud of her work. Then she giggled.

Rosierra headed toward the portal and turned her head to her husband and daughter right before she walked through. "You two coming?"

"Yes definitely!" Ruby exclaimed.

Adam laughed and followed her. "Of course. It would be nice to see Nebula Hill again."

"That's what this place is called? Nebula Hill?" Ruby wondered.

"Yes. This is the town that the Five found. The one they saved from the evil. The one they still live on in to this day." Rosierra's eye glinted with something and she stepped through the portal.

Ruby and Adam quickly followed.

The town spread out before them. Ruby gasped in wonder.

Rosierra and Adam made their way through the streets of the town. Many people eagerly waved to them.

Ruby walked close behind. A few children ran in front of her with small glowing things like MoonLI.

"Mom?" Ruby ran to catch up with her. "Why do those kids have things like MoonLI?"

Rosierra smiled. "They're called Bubbitars. A mixture of stars and bubbles. Each person is assigned one here."

Ruby looked around and continued walking. "That means..."

Rosierra laughed a bit. "I wasn't born here, no. But my mother was. Before she came to back here, she gave me my own Bubbitar. That's where MoonLI came from."

"That's so cool." Ruby whispered.

"Ruby, check it out! There's the castle...!" Adam exclaimed.

Ruby turned her head and the castle loomed before her. "Who needs a castle that big?"

Rosierra stopped. "Wanna see?" she asked.

"Yes!" Ruby exclaimed.

"Well come on then!" Rosierra grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the large building.

When they reached the gates, the guards lifted up their helms.

"Why if it isn't Rosierra and Adam!" One shouted. "Welcome back!"

"Who's this little runt?" Another asked.

"This is my daughter, Ruby. We're here to get her her own Bubbitar. And visit." Rosierra explained.

"Of course. We'll open the gates for you." the first guard tugged a lever down.

The gates opened and the trio stepped through into the castle.

Rosierra led Adam and Ruby down a hallway and up some stairs until finally someone was there.

Rosierra's face creased with a concerned look and she rushed toward the person with Ruby and Adam hot on her trail.

"Savvy, are you alright?" Rosierra fretted.

"Yes, yes I am." Savvy took a deep breath. "I'm glad you came Rosierra."

"So am I." Rosierra whispered. "Savvy, I brought my daughter, Ruby, with me this time. To possibly get her a Bubbitar?"

Savvy smiled down at Ruby. "Yeah, of course it's no problem. Hello, Ruby. I have two kids of my own, you know. I'm sure they'd be delighted to meet you."

"Sure!" Ruby laughed.

Savvy took another deep breath and looked up at Rosierra. "Is it alright if I take her for a sec?"

Rosierra narrowed her eyes. "As long as you're sure you're fine. You don't seem so right now."

"I am okay, Rosierra, there's no need to worry. I'll be back with Ruby in a bit." Savvy turned and guided Ruby down more hallway.

Eventually, Savvy stopped at a door and opened it. Inside, two kids, one about four, the other around seven, were busy playing with toy trucks and dolls.

"Kade, Sapphire, I would like you to meet Ruby. Your aunt."

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