To Conquer Oneself

सहस्रं युद्धेषु विजयात्मात्मानं जितुमुत्तमम् । -Sanskrit Buddhism

It’s best to conquer oneself than win a thousand battles; eventually when you neglect oneself foolish decisions start to unravel.

Ignore the world around you and focus on the moment; stop worrying about the future, because you can’t control it; stop worrying about the past, because you are over it.

The biggest battle is the countless thoughts in your head; remind yourself that you are best alive rather than dead; remind yourself that you are strong and a golden path is laid ahead.

You have the power to become who you want; despite all the demons you’ve fought; you’ve overcame a lot! You are a beautiful person; all you have to do is give yourself a shot.

If someone else is making you feel angry or scared inside; no need to hide; just say goodbye.

In this life you have yourself; a person often neglected and sitting on the back shelf; and in this life that’s the biggest obstacle in itself.

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