
I have a headache

Headache because of you

You made my hands shake

Shake like a trembling leaf

Leaf in a tornado

Tornado of emotions

Emotions that you brought out

Out of time

Time mocks me as it ticks down

Down I go

Go and try, I dare you

You are the terror of my day

Day turns to night

Night is gone in a flash

Flash of what I thought would be stress free

Free from the shackles of my professor

Professor says no

No, you still have something

Something that used to say optional

Optional changed to you have to do it

It is worth 20% of your grade suddenly

Suddenly I don’t feel well

Well, I’m panicking now

Now would be a great time to be done

Done with this stupid assignment

Assignment that was OPTIONAL


(I don’t know if any of this makes sense. I just had a bad day where my professor changed something from optional to totally required and didn’t tell us. So my stress free day became a headache.)

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