A small act of kindness you performed five years ago comes full circle to reward you in ways you could have never imagined.

Try to base the original action around something you really did, and be creative with how it might reward you now.

A Small Act of Kindness

One day I was getting onto a an elevator. Standing proud in front was a beautiful woman with so much confidence. I told her how pretty I thought her dress was. She smiled and thanked me.

Since we worked in the same office building we would run into each other sometimes. She was always immaculate. We smiled and talked to each other going up or down.

Then I stopped seeing her. I was sad and thought about her. I knew she was doing great somewhere.

The job I was working at was one I had longed to escape. Finally, I saw my opportunity and ran.

I applied for a job in the same area of Beverly Hills but not the same building.

When I walked in for my interview, there was my lovely elevator friend! She couldn’t believe it was me! He father owned the company I was interviewing for and she would be my trainer.

Her father interviewed and asked for everything but the kitchen sink. I did have law experience. I had worked in an accounting firm experience. I was good with software and knew Quickbooks.

The next day I got the job thanks to my interview skills and my friend in high places. I took over her job after she was done training me. She went on to be a successful novelist. She dedicated her first novel to me for giving her the time she needed to write.

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