
Trees whistle like tea kettles on a stove

Leaves transition from greens to oranges

Backyard lights enlighten shadowy skies

As families hide, avoiding the chilly breeze

Leaves transition from greens to oranges

Daylight slips through cracked windows

As families hide, avoiding the chilly breeze

The wonders of nature struggle to breathe

Daylight slips through cracked windows

As her eyes search for one last colored leaf

The wonders of nature struggle to breathe

Slowly, her heart sets out to find a cure

As her eyes search for one last colored leaf

She encounters a sickly squirrel

Slowly, her heart sets out to find a cure

Or one last hope of survival

She encounters a sickly squirrel

She holds him like a darling baby is held

Or one last hope of survival

Is a gemstone so preciously fragile

She holds him like a darling baby is held

Soon, small leaves start to return and it

Is a gemstone so preciously fragile

To finally see some oranges and greens

Soon, small leaves start to return and it

It reminds some families how lovely it is

To finally see some oranges and greens

The radiance of the outdoors was rediscovered

It reminds some families how lovely it is

To enhance their time exploring the woods

The radiance of the outdoors was rediscovered

And she knew with time, others would see it too🍂🍁

Nature is a beautiful, beautiful thing. It gives us something to stare out the window at when we don’t feel like talking during car rides. It’s stunning too♥️🍁

Sending love,


(This was a struggle, I tried my best. I’m more used to writing free verse poems. It was a good challenge though! Some parts might be confusing, depending on how you read this. I’m sorry about that😭😅 If anyone has feedback, let me know! Hope you like this!)

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