Writing Prompt
Write a Pantoum on any topic you like.
A pantoum is a poem where each stanza is 4 lines, and the second and fourth line of each stanza are repeated as the first and third lines of the next. As this creates a lot of repetition, try to pick a theme that would benefit from emphasis of certain lines.
I am sick and tired of this material focused world Of all the little girls Growing up to fast
In this material focused world what happened to love Growing up to fast And moving to quick
What happened to love admist all this chaos Moving to quick In this sea of fishes
Admist all the chaos There is little comfort in this sea of fishes there is none but me
There is little comfort in a world such as this There is none but me To speak and raise my fist
•TW: suicidal stuff • —————————
////////////////// NO SNEAK PEEKS /////////////////
I’m almost gone Rotting away For you all to see Does it matter in the end
Rotting away Soon to disappear Does it matter in the end When you can’t see me anymore
Soon to dissapear The knife’s edge is close When you can’t see me anymore What would you do
The knifes edge is close Quivering at my neck What would you do If you saw it coming
Quivering at my neck Ready to snap If you saw it coming Would you let it fly
Ready to snap I’ve had enough Would you let it fly Would you let me fly
I’ve had enough All these long years Would you let me fly If given the chance
All these long years With no escape but one If given the chance Should I take it?
With no escape but one Short amount of pain Should I take it For a lifetime of darkness
Short amount of pain I could end it now For a lifetime of darkness Isn’t that surreal
I could end it now But if I do, who will next Isn’t that surreal All the power in my hands
But if I do, who will next Will anyone break the streak All the power in my hands With no one to give it to
Will anyone break the streak Maybe I could With no one to give it to Then they’ll all be safe
Maybe I could Try to live in the cage Then they’ll all be safe No one will have to die
Try to live in a cage Where life is the chains No one will have to die No one will have to hide
Where life is the chains Can you break them safely No one will have to hide If you can be gone quickly
Can you break them safely There is no way If you can be gone quickly Then what’s the wait
There is no way I’ll find an opening Then what’s the wait If we’ll all be gone in the end?
stay focused. head up. pointe your toes. find your line. drive your heels. again.
head up. pointe your toes. straighten your arms. drive your heels. again. practice makes perfect.
straighten your arms. hit your t. lever out. practice makes perfect. chin up. eyes up. be more graceful.
again and again, my coach always harping on the details. i know i’ll be glad when i get the gold, but right now i’m annoyed and sweating. my mind wandering as i finish my last rep of blocks down the vault runway. why do we have to wear these dam leos?! i can’t wait to shower and fall asleep when i get home. did i finish my group project? oh shit i forgot to review my study guide today, i’m gunna fail the exam tomorrow. and it’s spirit week, i wonder if i’ll run into my crush during second perio——
snapped from my thoughts, my coach’s voice grates against my ears. two more hours then i’ll be home.
In a moment it’s gone The time flies by quickly It’s there for a second A second’s too fast
The time flies by quickly I can’t hold it, can’t catch it A second’s too fast Just a breath in the wind
I can’t hold it, can’t catch it Can’t keep to myself Just a breath in the wind It will never come back
trapped in this void of nothingness bound to chains of silence watching my life pass by a stranger to my home
bound to chains of silence veil upon veil suffocating me I'm a stranger to my home No longer human just a pile of fabric
veil upon veil suffocating me Shuffling around like a shadow No longer human just pile of fabric and no one cares
no one care I've faded
no one cares i have emotions
no one cares about what i have to say
no one cares that I. CANT. FUCKING. BREATH
~ it kills me to see how Afghan women are being stripped away of their identity and are being restricted to a point where they basically don't exist and it is truly awful. ~
Confusing, I don’t know what to feel. Insane, Is any of this even real?
I don’t know what to feel, My head and my heart are conflicted. Is any of this even real? Is this a prison, we’re all convicted?
My head and my heart are conflicted. My heart has my head evicted. Is this a prison, we’re all convicted? My movements, my feelings restricted.
If I had nothing to write about I’d write regardless And if I had to write without regard I’d write true to my heart
I’d write regardless Disregarding any if ands or buts I’d write true to my heart And I’d be happy doing so
Disregarding any if ands or buts It’s easy when I have nothing to write about And I’d be happy doing so Because I’d think with the words
It’s easy when I have nothing to write about The flow exists when the words do Because I’d think when the words do And nothing will become something
Isn’t lovely All alone Heart made of glass my mind of stone Tear me to pieces skin and bone
All alone Ripping myself apart at the seams I Tear me to pieces skin and bone Grinning as rubies spill from my flesh
Ripping myself apart at the seams Caught in this cycle of self destruction Grinning as rubies spill from my flesh A small solace for the pain in my chest
Caught in this cycle of self destruction Smashing every mirror every photo A small solace for the pain in my chest That kills me in the shower
Smashing every mirror every photo All of the cruel reminders That kill me in the shower Making it hard to believe I'm worth the very air I breath
Tw: eating disorders
Get into character Put on a pretty smile Fix your clothes Its time to start the show
Put on a pretty smile Its okay they wont know It time to start the show Just hold it in a little longer
Its okay they wont know Youre seconds away from throwing up Just hold it in a little longer Come on you're fine
Youre seconds away from throwing up From the very little food you ate But its okay you're fine Hopefully you"ll be pretty before you die
I can’t stand you She yells And I please I can’t love you anymore
I don’t wanna see you She yells Walking these halls I can’t you love you anymore
I don’t wanna see you Cuz my heart sinks Walking these halls Betraying the hopeless romantic
With my heart on my sleeve Cuz my heart sinks I’ll bury it Betraying the hopeless romantic
With my heart on my sleeve I’ll find all our photos I’ll bury it Cuz it’s easier than to
Talk to you I’ll find all our photos And relive the laughs Cuz it’s easier than to
Talk to you Was it worth it And relive the laughs I’ll cut off the heart
I miss you too Was it worth To cut you out I’ll cut off the heart
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