Submitted by bianca
It wasn’t yours to take, but nevertheless you ripped it from my grasp
Write an insta-poem using this as the opening line. An insta-poem uses short, direct lines that would suit a small screen.
I’m Not Sorry
(Not the prompt)
I’m not sorry I met you.
I don’t regret being with you.
I’m not ashamed that I loved you.
Because I did.
Please don’t think otherwise.
I did love you,
It wasn’t fake.
You were my world,
My light,
My color.
You were everything to me,
And I’m not sorry.
Just as I’m not sorry I ended it.
We were failing,
We were breaking apart.
You were hurting,
I was hurting.
I was hurting you.
We were fracturing into a million pieces,
And I’m hoping now it’ll only be two.
Of course,
The damage is done.
I hurt you,
And for that I’m sorry.
I should have been so much more.
I should have been nicer,
I should have been more patient.
I should have been better.
I should have helped you
Instead of hurt you.
I should have been stronger.
I know I have no right to ask anything of you,
But please,
Believe this.
I never hated you.
I never saw you as a monster.
I didn’t blame you.
I don’t blame you.
I really did love you.
I did care.
I still do.
That’s why I have to let you go.
I’m hurting you more and more,
And I just can’t do that to you.
And I’m not trying to seem like a victim.
Because I’m not.
I have so, SO much blame in this.
You have every right to hate me.
Anyone does.
I should have done so much better.
In the end,
I just wasn’t enough.
I wasn’t enough for you.
I wasn’t enough for us.