Water is lapping between your chin and neck, each wave colliding to the beat of your heart...

Continue the story. You may wish to continue in the second-person perspective but you do not have to.

Blair and Matthew; first beach

I nuzzle my nose to her's, and her breathing is steady. She giggles, like always, which makes a smile creep onto my face. The crisp sun burns my pale skin but I don't care. I'm here. Really here. With Blair.

"You're amazing," I whisper.

"And you, Matthew Mackalaham, are going to get into so much trouble."

I chuckle and try not to think of The Great Mean-Wretched Ms. Debbie. My sweet Blair complains about her to the point that I wish I could meet the lady. I would most definitely beat her up.

"So, you wanna get in the water?"

She makes a face I can't quite read, but I pull her out of the chair anyways.

"C'mon, we are at a beach. You can't not get in the water."

She giggles and we run down to the shore, getting hot sand stuck in our toes. I dip my feet in and immediately feel relaxed. Blair, on the other hand screams at the shock and coldness of the water. I chuckle and she grabs my arm and gets out of the water.

"It's not that cold," I joke.

"It's freezing!" she cries back.

I kick my feet to splash some of the water on her legs. She screams some more and I just laugh.

"It's not funny," she pouts.

"Okay, okay. We can go back to the chairs if you want."

Her face brightens and I leans down to have our lips connect in a single swift touch. She giggles and I can't help but admire her.

I will do a part two, I promise. It's just late and gotta save the streak ๐Ÿ˜…

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