Submitted by Maranda Quinn

Write a poem which includes the motif of doors.

Whether open or closed, doors can be used to represent many different things.



I wish I could come up to you

And give you a hug

Tell you everything is going to be ok

That you will make it through

I’m sorry that on your first year at a new school

You were treated like that

And how you left the year with more issues than before

I’m sorry how she was your first friend

And I’m sorry that I didn’t prevent it

I wish that I could tell you to skip the event for your school

And say that your stomach hurts

So you would never become friends

I wish that I could prevent you from entering that trio

And growing closer to her at events and hang outs

I wish that I could tell you to run

To run far, far away from thy girl

And to never believe her lies

I hope that you would understand

If I told you to not engage in that conversation on the bus

I hope you would trust me if I told you to not go into the bathroom that morning

And to go to where you’re supposed to be

I hope you would believe me if I told you that nothing you say will stop her

It upsets me how she treated you

How she made you look like a fool

Like her own personal dog

It upsets me why you let her do that

Why you let her hit you over and over again

Why you never set boundaries with her

Even when you needed to

When it was most important for you to

I wish I could teach you how to say no

How when she would upset you

You would let it slide

I wish you would say no

And stop her

Because you shouldn’t be treated like that

I wish that I could have prevented 7th grade

That some way I could have chose another school

That I would have chose another friend group

That I would have left that year well

That I wouldn’t have memories in the form of scars from that year

I wish I could rewind

And give you a hug

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