Inspired by Reagan Stanton
Write a poem about decay.
Normally associated with death and disease, decay is also vital in nature for the next generation of life. What perspective will you take?
I know it when all of a sudden your face turns as creased and pale as ash.
I know it when blood spirts from your abdomen.
I know when you crumple and you lay limp.
I know when you scream
And scream
And scream
And at some point I wonder if I will ever get the sound out of my mind
It won’t.
So when I reach you
When I fall to the ground,
With tears already blurring my vision
I already know
I can’t save you
Not with all the magic in the world.
That doesn’t stop me from trying though.
And as the magic courses through me
it burns
I revel in it
hoping for any relief from the hole already cracking through me
The grass around you shimmers and grows
flowers of all colors poke out of the ground
in a ring around your body
a circle of life
surrounding the dead
I push harder
The sun burns
the birds are screeching
the wind howls
I scream
And shriek
But you
you stay still
Around you is beauty of all kinds imaginable
but you won’t see it
ever again
I still visit you
The magic in the ground not allowing you to rot
to decay
The world around you is frozen
like you
you look peaceful
It’s been years now
I’ve never left your side
It’s beautiful here