Submitted by Museful Heart

Write a story about what would have happened if Cinderella had not lost her shoe.


The prince searched far and wide for his princess, but there were no clues, no trace of her.

“It’s like she disappeared with some sort of magic,” the King said as the detectives came back to the castle. They all gathered in a large, grand chamber, sharing theories and evidence. The prince never thought anything much about that room, but suddenly it just seemed empty and cold now that the warm presence of his princess was gone. He stared up at the golden beams, unable to hide the somber look on his face.

The prince sighed, now his father would force him to spend the rest of his life with one of those bouncy, loud girls who seemed keen on getting his attention at the party. One even went out of their way to spill red wine over themselves and blame it on a guard. Oh, how he hated those kind of girls.

The King took notice of his son’s expression and turned to put a hand on his shoulder. The Prince looked up and met his eyes.

“I will send out another search. We will find the maiden, if we have to go looking for her house by house.”

The Prince straightened his shoulders, his fathers determination fueling his own. “Shall I go out looking for her myself, father?”

The King considered this, “I suppose that would be best, considering we have no evidence, no nothing! Quite a ghost this girl is.”

“Yes, father. But we will find her.” The Prince said, trying to convince himself more than the King. He would find his princess if it were the last thing he did.

He swore on every single thing that had value to him.

He would find her.

Wherever she was

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