United Yet Still So Divided
(TW: political topics)
Saw the news today.
One human being.
Because of you.
But then..?
And then who’s side
Am I on ?
Blue tears every night
Red blood on the streets
Of course you are the
how does something like this happen?
you were only 20
and the dead guy had a family
and you probably did too
but of course violence is never the answer
i don’t doubt that
but you’re dead now
and he is too
and I didn’t know you or him
but I weep for the lost
and scream for the living
The idiot or the manipulator
Dementia or Discrimination
Blue or Red
Blue or Red
Blue or Red
Why do we distance ourselves from anyone with different beliefs
Because I’m sure all of us can agree on one thing
The only people who try to kill are narcissistic idiots who think they’re special
You weren’t special
You were just a normal kid
20 years…
You could’ve been a normal kid!
You could’ve been happy
And then him
He had a family
He had a family
He had a fucking family.
And you just endangered so many lives
Without a second thought
He died
And now…
We’re fucked.
i don’t know how we came to be what we came to be
whether it be god(s?)
or just plain old evolution
i don’t think our brains were built to process all the horror in the world right now
and still care
about all of it.
. . .
Get in while you still can!
Before another wall is built
Book your tickets!
Save a stash of money under your mattress
For when things get really bad
Human nature is to destroy itself and so
Get out while you still can.
Burn your books
Before they catch you!
Play hide and seek with the government
But they’ll find you eventually!
When they hurt you?
Don’t let them do that.
You won’t be able to afford healthcare.
After all this
What does it take?!
When does a man
Become a monster?