Inspired by Leona McNeil

Your character is sitting an exam that they absolutely must pass. Create a narrative focusing on their emotions during this scene.

Don’t focus on the event; focus on the character's thoughts and feelings, and how this situation affects them.

Clock Ticking

Eva shakes her legs constantly. _' I can't do this.'_ she thinks to herself.

She glances at the clock her teacher had put on the smart board.


On 25 more minutes until she would have to submit her test. Only 25 more minutes until her future was sealed. Eva could barely breathe. Flicking her pencil up and down on the desk.

Dop dop dop the pencil makes.

Multiple people kept turning around to glare at her, but Eva was too caught up in the flurry of thoughts in her head. The energy drink she chugged earlier was making her hands shake more than they already were. And her ADHD was no help. Causing her to think about Mario Cart and her Spotify playlist instead of the quadratic question in front of her.

This was Eva's most important exam of her year. The exam that would determine of she can make the top 10 students in her grade and if she could make it into her dream collage in USC. And if she failed she would not only get practically disowned by her own parents, but she'll be a disappointment to everyone. I mean, she was talking about going to college and moving out of her parent's house since forever!

_'Think think think!'_ She thought for what seemed like the hundredth time.

y2-y1=m (x2-x1) helped slim to none and the clock was ticking closer and closer to the ending point. Peers around her were shutting there laptops off one by one. Finishing their test with satisfied sighs. Was she the only one that was having trouble?

Her palms got sweaty and she started cracking her knuckles. y=mx+a? Or was it y=mx+b?

It was starting to blur all together.

"You have 10 minutes left for those of you still working." Ms. Moen, her math teacher stated.

Eva took a deep breath. She had to do this. So she wiped her hands on her jeans, adjusted her position in her seat and glanced at the problem again. It was starting to make more sense and it obviously couldn't be A or C.

So she clicked B and submitted it...

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