Ocean’s Trust

With a stick I drew my heart

Deep into the wet sand

Far from the waves

It was crooked and more like a circle

But it was my heart

And everyday I’d sit next to it

Watching you

Hearing you

Dreaming of you

You’d swim in the deep waves

Riding them

Taming them

They called you the ocean’s trust

But in my heart I called you the one

I watched you swim

Laughing with the waves

I watched my heart

The crooked edges still carved deep into the sand

I waited day after day

Week after week

Month after month

Year after year

Each day I’d retrace my heart

Keeping it circle like and messy

I’d sit in the corner of the beach

My hair growing white

As my hands grew old

You never looked my way

Not even once

Everyday I was there

Sun up to sun down

And you never see me

So my love

It vanished

I walked over to my heart

And with the same stick I used years ago

I drew a little crack right down the middle

It was perfect

Not crooked not messy

A perfect break

And for the rest of my life I was alone

I cried over my heart

My tears washing it away

Until there was nothing left

Nothing but the puddle of tears

High up on the beach

Where the waves could never reach

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