Please I Love You

“No. I…need to wait. I’m not ready to forgive you yet. ”

“Please Rachel… I know I fucked up and I know I need to get help and I will. I’ll go in the morning and I’ll talk to someone.

“ you’ll talk to someone? Talk to someone? Just talk? This is why.. exactly why I shouldn’t forgive you! You think just talking to someone is going to fix what you did!

“I know it doesn’t fix….anything. I can never fix anything! But you can’t leave me here in this city all alone! We moved here together to be together and build our lives… If you leave me then what… what will I do without you”

“Ughhh you’re gonna make me throw up, all I see when I look at you is her. Now get out! I don’t want to look at you anymore”

“Okay I’ll leave tonight so you can have the place to yourself but you can leave me! you don’t have … you don’t have anywhere to go!”

“I never said I was leaving but you’re making me want to leave… actually .. you know what you can stay here. I’ll go somewhere else tonight… Where are my car keys? Have you seen them?”

“ please Rachel just stay here… let’s just stay here today and remember what it used to be like with us, us before everything went to shit.”

“ I. I. I. Can’tttt. I want to. In really do but what I said is true. Looking at you makes me sick.. All I see is you with her..Daniel. I see….her… on your lap in the seat of your truck. I just stood there and then you both turned your head and looked at me and both your faces went white like you saw a ghost. Her eyes met mine and then she smiled like she had won….I had a feeling.. deep in my gut for a long time. You’ve changed me and not in a good way. How many times??? This is not the first girl. How many times do I have to catch you cheating Daniel!! It’s obvious you don’t love me”

“ noo I do b….”

“Shutup! I don’t care I’m leaving ! I need to think and I don’t know how long but I need you to not contact me until I reach out to you. I need space from you and all this and all the stree and shame you’ve brought me.”

“ buttt what about the appointment Monday, I don’t want to miss any! I deserve to be there ! I’m the father!”

“You should have thought about that before you fucked your coworker!! You did this!! Not me! And if you don’t back off I won’t have anything to think about! I won’t come back ever! So give me space until I want you back in my life or lose me forever Daniel, I don’t really care anymore. My hearts broken enough I’m not sure I should ever give you the chance to break it again.”

“Please…I love you Rachel ”


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