Write a poem, in any style and genre, which ends with a question.
The question should be clearly related to the theme of the poem.
Write a poem, in any style and genre, which ends with a question.
The question should be clearly related to the theme of the poem.
One slay girly for being so open like that’s an amazing step. Also as terrible as this sounds like my dad said this too me and I was like 👀✋ Noh. But Hormones and generally mental struggles we all have. Also these feelings and being a teen is new for everyone. Never pick from someone else’s apple tree because you may not get the ripest fruit (WHATTTT 😭???) Essentially recovery is different for everyone so try a few bites of apples from a few survivors trees and find what’s right for you. Like girly it took me almost two weeks to take a shower 😭 Literally redeemed myself by taking it today.
Thank you for sharing this! It is very vulnerable and real. I can relate to asking similar things. Living in this world isn’t easy, that’s for sure. Society and expectations and many other things makes certain of that.
I think sharing this can make people not feel alone in these complicated feelings. So thank you 🫶🏼. I hope things become clearer for you 💛
This is my kind of poem
I’ve asked these questions so much. It’s so sad to think about to wonder why everything changed and why it changed to be worse than before. It’s like that little girl who had hope grew up and became a teen who only saw the bad things. That’s how I feel anyways. It’s so hard honesty. Why can’t hope be something we still see? I mean we can still see it but it’s just muted almost.
I love this so much!! All your writings make me think and I’ve said that so much but it’s so true!! I love them even when they hit the part of me that makes my heart hurt it’s a good hurt.
I hope everything’s okay. You’re amazing always remember that!! ❤️❤️❤️😊☺️