


Incorporate these three words into a descriptive paragraph about a character. You don't have to use the words directly as long as your description is clearly referencing their meaning.

Left Out

Left out

I see your stares across the room

How you get upset when you can’t sit next to one of your friends and you have to sit next to me

Because I’m not of your better friends

Even though you say I am

I see how you look at eachother when I talk

Trying to say something to you

But you don’t hear

You’re too busy walking away

Or ignoring me

I see how you look at her in class

I’m sitting behind you but I still see

I wish I could sit with you

But there isn’t enough room

For 3

I don’t know if you thought I wouldn’t notice

When you cropped me out of the photo I took of us

I took the photo

Yet you don’t want me in it

I trusted my heart that we were friends

Yet my heart believes in fiction

I see the way you tell people

About hanging out with the group

Right in front of me

I see how you post on your social media

About getting ready for a dance together

A pre hangout I was not invited to

Yet you say all your close friends were there

I thought we were close

I see how you post

Saying that you’re with your faves

On your story

Using the photos I’m not in

While you still tell me we are close

It feels as if I’m invisible in everything

Going unnoticed

And nobody is there to wonder

If anyone is being left out

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