Write a story centred around a relationship that is dangerous in some way.

I Think That You Could’ve.

Tell me, what you want from me?

You know I never could…

I should’ve known much earlier,

That what I gave was not enough,

You wanted more.

Yet I gave you all that I had.

Tell me, what fate did you want for me?

How far were you willing to go,

And I’ve wondered,

I’ve wondered if you

Would kill me.

If you had the chance.

Cause you walked me down that path,

To the very edge.

If you jump I will follow,

No you never followed.

Didn’t even reach out a hand.

You held me by the bay,

I couldn’t remeber a single thing.

I remember it all now.

So now I

Am the one asking myself,

If the knife was in my hand,

Would I?

You know I



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