
Use this single word to inspire a poem.

Missing You

Can you take me back

I miss you

I miss you a lot more than I want to admit

I miss the way you held me

I miss the way we would giggle in the halls

I miss our jokes

I miss us

I miss when we would talk about how good friends we were

I miss when you would be so kind to me and care for me

I miss our Starbucks runs

I miss telling my dad how good friends we were

He still asks about you by the way

He wonders what happened in those few weeks

I wonder too

I lost my friendship bracelet

I look for it every day hoping for it to appear

I watch you wear yours

You’re so pretty when you smile

I hope you will make me another one

I would wear it for eternity

As a sign we were friends

As a sign that we existed

As a sign you once loved me

As an explanation to our loose ends

As a reason to take you back

I dreamt of you last night by the way

You were

Pretty, yes

But kind too

You accepted me into your arms

At eye contact you knew

I started crying when we hugged

I woke up


Missing you

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