Open the nearest book to you and look at the very first word to catch your eye. Write a 10-line story centred around this word.
Try to think outside the box and write something creative surrounding this word.
He was right there. Right in front of me. His lips were moving, I guess that means he’s talking, but I’m not listening. Is he really talking if no one is listening? Or is he giving a voice to his thoughts, silently…
If someone was standing there, right in front of us, moving their lips to the rhythm of their thoughts, but we can’t hear them because of our own thoughts running around in our head, does that mean that we are both talking? Or does it mean that we’re both silent?
How often do we stand in front of someone while they’re speaking to us, we look them in the eye and nod our heads, but we’re not really listening, their thoughts are making their way from their mind down to their mouth and out into the open world around us, silently.
A lot of us, if not all, are living our lives in silence, keeping our dark thoughts to ourselves, sometimes our happy thoughts too, cause we’re afraid if we let them out then that means they’re not ours anymore. And when we do share our thoughts, people are rarely listening, so we go on living our lives silently.
So I let him keep on talking, nodding my head with his words, while I go through that thought in my head. I should be paying more attention since he’s my patient, but I’m not. So even when I’m paid to listen, I don’t. I just let him talk in silence, silently.
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