please look at me.

please, oh, please look at me.

I didn’t see you all of last week.

and now you need to make up for it so please look at me.

because when you look at me—

I mean, reeeally look at me,

the world

s t o p s.

I forget I’m

a l i v e.

I drown in your

b e a u t i f u l

b l u e

e y e s.

when you look at me, I don’t care

what my grade is going to be on that physics test

or how much I hate that one guy.

I don’t care

how I embarrassed myself

by answering a question the teacher asked weong two days ago.

I don’t care that I just made a typo.

I only have one thing one my mind

and one thing to do:

look back.

stare deep into those

b e a u t i f u l

b l u e

e y e s

and forget that I have a care in the world.

when you look at me—

I mean, when you reeeeeeally look at me,

everything is just as it is meant to be.

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