Fears Voiced In Tears

Every now and then my heart has an awaking per say. A fear that I can’t quite understand. Only to be reveled in tears for what I have never seen in any book movie or life around me. Like im back as a child listening to my parents deliver one last gift on Christmas. One that entirely changed my life for better and worse. The instructions were lost in the mail acomponied by my letters. Some say it’s better to voice your fears, but mine come in the silly childish fears one would grow out of, they come in tears and cry’s, a child begging for its mothers love and attention. The stains of my blood of past years mixing with the wax of my dreaded birthday candles my mother would get from the old dusted cabinets. My tears lost to the night sky, painting it with stars of salty rain droplets. I wish I could say that I’m exited for what the future holds, but I bearly want tommorow to come.

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