Submitted by lily marie
"I know every detail about every version of herself she has ever been."
Write a poem which either includes this line, or uses it as the central theme.
a piece of my soul
i know every detail about every version of herself she has ever been
and ever will be
i know the way her hair is smooth and shiny in my hands
i know the way her eyes crinkle when she smiles
and i know the way her heart runs across the world
dancing miles around yours, wishing the bubbles
of you typing would appear on her screen
even if she says she doesn’t care
i know she does
because we’re the same, me and her
thats how i know it all
every curve in her waist
every line on the palm of her hands
the lines on our palms fit together like pieces in a
sliding perfectly where they’re supposed to be
like your arms around my shoulders
i know every detail about every version of ourselves
we’ve ever been
i’ve never been more in love with a girl
so platonically before
everyone on this entire earth
all 8 billion people
should love her as much as i do
because she’s so perfect,
so messily put together and
chaotically happy and she’s real to me
because she’s jsut like me
know one will ever get to know her like i do
because she is me and i am her
we will never lose each other because
we are each other
and you can’t lose a piece of your soul
that’s what she is
a piece of my soul