Submitted by Freddie
Life Without You
Write a poem or short story about what life would be like without the person you care about the most.
The Moon And The Sun
I waved at the moon, as the sun sank through the city’s limits.
It had been shot, like every day before.
Why else would its colors stain the sky and bleed into the water?
The sun was selfish in all ways but one.
He outshone the stars during the day.
He wanted everyone’s praise,
He was perfect, of course,
He was the sun
But the sun loved the moon above all else,
Sometimes he would glow too bright and she would melt
So he would allow her to cool down and be the star for the night
By sacrificing himself for her simple delight.
The moon loved him just as much,
That’s why, in the daylight, you can just barely see her longing for the sun’s touch,
But she would never feel it,
Since they would forever be apart,
Star-crossed lovers we call them,
Forbidden love and broken hearts.
The moon winked even though she had no eyes. She smiled although her rocky surface had no mouth. She waved back, as impossible as it seems.
At night, the moon was lonely,
Only the stars would keep her company,
All the stars except the sun,
For he had died
Leaving her with no one,
That is why I always say hello,
To the moon,
After the sun has set,
Promising her he will return soon,
It’s always nice to be polite,
Sometimes you don’t understand how much the night,
Needs to be remembered and thanked
Although we always long for the sun’s light,
We shouldn’t forget that the moon is always loyal,
We should praise her too,
For she dies every night along with the sun,
Her heart shatters into pieces,
That is why the dark,
Seems sad and is always feared
Because no one wants to face her,
And hear her sobbing tears,
The dark shouldn’t be feared though . The dark hides our secrets and our worst fears. The dark hides ourselves. The light exposes us. The light blinds us. The dark will always be there. The light won’t.
But let’s not forget that they both are essential. Without darkness, the sun wouldn’t shine. Without the sun the moon wouldn’t even be alive.