“What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve believed?”

Start your story with a character asking this question.

Crazy Right?

“What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve believed?”

That my voice was heard.

That I wasn’t just a whisper in a room of people.

That I was brave and not afraid of change.


I am wrong now like always.

(I am nothing)

I believed she loved me.

I believed he wouldn’t betray me.

Both stories included love,

One after another ended in a shove.

(I am nothing)

I lost trust in people,

Yet I keep opening up.

I wish I could shut me down,

And keep it from coming out.

(I need to be something)

“What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve believed?”

When you said…

“I will never be like your old friends.”

You said you’d stick with me till the very end.

(I was nothing)

Yet here we are.

And I hope you think about me

As much as I do you.

I miss you too much.

I believed you loved me too.

What a sweet lie.

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