The Tablet Of The Citadel Battle(Part 2)

{: For my bro, who has kept me going

long enough to be able to write this for him:}

I shakily help Dynamite heal Mir as Rysic keeps the shots form hitting us.

Mir stands up in pain as she grabbed the handle of her gun, she smiles, “Don’t worry about me, help Rysic!” She exclaims.

I grab my Havoc and start shooting beside Rysic, the numbers quickly go down we eliminate person by person, team by team.

I move back to heal up more while Mir takes my position, Dynamite helps me heal faster.

The reason Dynamite doesn’t fight is because at the very beginning we got to choose four augments. He screwed up and chose ‘Quick Healing, Double heals, Extra Ammunition, and Gliding deploy,’ not the best things in the middle of combat. I chose ‘Bloodhound, Decreased Recoil, Thermal Mud, and Half Damage,’ More helpful in combat.

A person enters my vision then I take ‘em down. One by one, only three other teams remain, all of us wounded. I use my spare energy to finish the battle and heal my comrades, but in doing so, I pass out, lying on the floor of the bunker.

I wake up in an old tavern, it’s walls look as if they could crumble at the touch of a feather, the dusty smell that arouses around me is suffocating.

I sit up so see more details of where I am.

Our old base? I think. Why am I here, how am I here, it’s in the storm now, gone!

Then noises flow into my ears, laughter, giggles, happy noises.

Rysic enters the room with a yellow ducky hat on, Mir with a yellow ducky float, Dynamite with yellow feathers everywhere, and me, hauling what looks like a 30 pound rubber ducky.

“Oh I remember this,” I whisper to myself “It was in the first couple weeks, we had killed the duck that was floating on down the river at a speed faster than that of a cheetah.”

I smile, “But why am I here?” I question.

Then I’m sucked back into reality, I shoot up from my sleepy haze, looking around nervously as I realize I’m safe with my friends.

All of a sudden tears start streaming down my face, I miss the old times, when we used to laugh and smile, when we had fun only encountering a team or two a week.

“Umnnn…why’s she doing that?” Rysic asks confused.

“B-because….I….M-miss the….old d-days…” I stutter between sobs “W-when we….used t-to…h-have fun…a-and….play.”

“I still smile,” Mir says as she puts her fingers in the corners of her mouth and holds a big grin, “See.”

Dynamite encases me in a tight hug, his breath tickling the back of my neck.

“Alright, enough hugs and tears, what about this weird tablet,” Rysic says as he knocks it against a table next to him.

“W-what is that th-thing?” I stutter with sniffles.

“We found it underneath you when we carried you here, we wondered if you knew,” Rysic says.

“C-can I have I-it?” I sniffle loudly.

Rysic hands me the tablet, I look at the details carved on it, I could understand some of the markings, they say “The tablet of Battle,” I think aloud.

“It’s an anagram,” Dynamite comments.

“An ana-who?” Rysic asks confusedly.

“An anagram, see, Tablet, and Battle, each have the same letters an a, e, two t’s, an l, and a b. You think it means something more than just ‘The Tablet of Battle?’” Dynamite explains carefully as he traces the letters and symbols with his index finger.

“Or, it’s just a dumb stone that won’t break,” Rysic points out stupidly.

Then, my eyes draw back, only showing the whites, as I touch the stone again.

I hear Clicks and swishes as I’m in my trance, before I realize it I’m back into the game.

“What happened?” Mir asked as she push’s Dynamite and Rysic out of the way.

“It’s…armor?” Mir says, “And four different ones too.”

“I call the snake,” Rysic exclaims as he grabs the armor.

“It’s a lizard,” Dynamite points out.

“Lizard shmizard,” He says as he applies it, “It’s like a suit,” He gazes amazed as it tightens to fit his body.

“I’ll take the wolf!” I randomly call out. I grab it and pull it over my legs and shoulders as it immediately fits my body exactly. The head of it to where I could see everything, even have air conditioning!

Once we are all done with our amazing suits of armor, I look at everyone else’s. Dynamite and chosen the buff cat, and Mir chose the bunny.

The wolf I was wearing had a couple blue and yellow striped, and was mostly dark gray and black, it suits me well.

We stand as a group, standing tall and proud together like a superhero that found help or something, I never really read comics or watched superhero movies.

With me in the front and my friends beside me, we will take on this game and it’s challenges, we will complete this game, and win!

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