Your protagonist receives an anonymous text saying "Do not go home tonight".

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Nameless Dread~Pt 2

I attempt to ignore the swarm of butterflies in my stomach as he places his lips on my neck. The feeling swiftly dissipates as my eyes meet the scene in front of me. My blood chills as I process what I’m looking at.

My walls are drenched in blood, the sight nothing short of a slasher movie. I’m frozen in his grasp as terror courses through me in anticipation of his next move. It lays on my bed, still, it being my ex-boyfriend, but he didn’t know that. Tears prickle my eyes threatening to tip over. My emotions swirl within me, why am I not sad? I cry at the atrocity before me but not for who lay before me.

“Why..why would you do this?” I questioned, doing everything in my power to ignore the heat in my belly as his grip on my waist tightened. This is incredibly wrong. A corpse lying in my bed should disgust me, terrify me, ruin me. And yet I can't find the feeling within me to care.

what the fuck is wrong with me?

“I think a better question would be why did our dear Brad do what he did? He had you and he squandered that relationship, the fault of all men, thinking with their dicks. You are a woman to be worshipped, Lily. He was a worthless, waste of oxygen.” He stated, skimming the tips of his fingers down the length of my arm, goosebumps erupting at the action.

“Okay he may have cheated but that doesn't give you the right to take his life, especially in this way. Wait, how did you know he cheated on me?” I questioned, releasing his grasp and facing him.

His eyes immediately found mine, severity being the only thing they held.

“As I said, you’re a woman to be worshipped Lily, I don't take that lightly.” His vague answer unnerved me. What is that supposed to mean, worship?

“Please just give me a straight answer, you know my name, you know my boyfriend, you know the one thing no one knew. Brad didn't even know I knew so how the fuck do you?” I was often criticised for my sharp tongue but that seemed to differ with this stranger, seemingly pleased with my sudden fire.

His lips spread into a slow smile, a devious smile at that.

“Mmm, I do love a woman scorned. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are when you’re furious? And I may be enamoured with you but Do not for a second lie to me and pretend that this wasn’t the outcome you wanted.” His tone was glazed with dare I say it, arousal. He took a step forward, as though he wanted to assess me closer. I rolled my eyes at his response, frustrated with his hot and cold attitude.

His words had my head spiralling and I had the strongest urge to slap him for doing so.

“Did you just roll your eyes?” He asked, his tone serious yet taunting.

What is this guy on?

“Yes? So? How is that important here? I swear to god you're gonna give me whiplash.” I responded running my hands throughout my hair.

“I can if you ask nicely sweetheart.” He commented, his voice dipping an octave. His response heated my skin, the warmth reaching my face. His eyes immediately honed in on the sight.

“I don't even know your name and you’re saying all of this to me I can't think straight. You do this to my boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend, and then try and seduce me or something. Well I'm not having it, you can try and intimidate me but it won't work I want some fucking answers right now or ill be forced to put that knife to some actual good use.” I panted with a rage infused arousal. I need to get a grip, I can't let myself be this affected by a stranger I don't even know the name of.

“Try? Sweetheart if I was to seduce you it wouldn’t be a matter of trying. It's Tristan by the way. As for your ex, I've already explained, he fucked around and found out, simple.” He stated, with a casualness that dumbfounded me given the severity of the situation. My temperature increased by the second, and my skin was near enough aflame.

His stare, full of amusement, observed me processing his words or more accurately struggling to.

“And how the fuck do you think that's acceptable, you can't go around murdering people whenever you feel like it, what the fuck is wrong with you?” I half yelled, furious with myself for allowing him to have this effect on me and more furious I liked it.

“It’s my job,” he responded cooly.

“Oh, so you're some sort of assassin now? I've really heard it all. I thought assassins were supposed to be cold and emotionless.” I spoke, somewhat calmer at his revelation.

“I guess if you want to put labels on it, Lily. These circumstances were just different.” He spoke, with a new-found tone in his voice, he sounded genuine somehow.

“So this is how you know me you were hired to kill Brad?” I asked.

”No, I did this of my own accord. Like I said this is the outcome you desired, I can read you effortlessly, do not deny it.” He spoke with a conviction that began to scare me.

”You can read me? So you're stalking me now? I've had enough of this, get rid of this mess and get out.” I demanded, hoping my brazenness would work and he might just listen.

He stepped forward, his scent engulfing me, I resisted the urge to close the space just to smell the scent.

“Tell me, Lily, if I were to remove your underwear would I find you aroused? The answer also applies to your question”.

Ahhhh this was so rushed and messy but hopefully it's not terrible ahaaa!!♡

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