The embarrassed admirer

I felt my heart race as I walked down the crowded school hallway. I saw him ahead of me. My future husband; my Josh. He would realize it soon enough. Josh glanced at me for a second before going back to talking to his friends. The look was different than normal. “Maddie, what did you do!” My friend Mary hissed at me when I got to class. “What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

“Don’t act clueless. I know about Josh. So, did you ask him out yet?” She eagerly asked. My heart sank to my stomach. “Where did you hear that?” I asked, trying to remain calm. “Everyone knows about it,” Mary said, looking confused. “Haven’t you heard?” I tried to keep calm, but i felt the tears forming. “What do you mean?” I asked, voice cracking.

Mary looked at me sympathetically. “I thought you knew.” She got her phone out and pulled up an Instagram post. Sure enough, there was an entry from my diary. “Who posted this?” I quickly asked. “I thought it was you,” she said, pointing to the username. Ur_Fav_Maddie. “That isn’t me,” I said, tears streaming down my face. I got up and ran down the hallway.

How did they find my diary? I worriedly thought. I was so lost in thought I didn’t realize the person right in front of me. I ran right into them. “I’m so sorry,” I squeaked out. I looked up, seeing who the mystery person was. Josh’s brother, Dylan, looked down at me, an evil glint apparent in his eyes.

“Josh doesn’t like you. He never has, and he most currently never.will,” He hissed at me. I heard people laughing. Looking around, there was all kinds of people recording. And Josh stood in the corner. I wouldn’t let this go on any longer. Without thinking, I kicked Dylan. His shriek indicated I’d been successful. I ran down the hallway and went straight into the bathroom.

I cried even harder once I was my reflection. With mascara streaks coming down my face, I looked horrendous. That really just was the cherry on top. First, the whole school knew about my crush, including him. And, of course, it was posted on social media for anyone and everyone. Now, seeing the monster staring back at me in the mirror, I decided I was finished.

I couldn’t go back out after everything that happened. If I held my breath long enough, maybe I’d just disapper. I started counting, and felt lightheaded. I just made it to 30 when someone else came in. “Stop it, Maddie. Please.” I heard an all-too-familiar voice say. I got one look of Josh’s face before I passed out.

I woke up in the nurse’s office. I tried to get up, but a throbbing pain in my head stopped me. Josh was watching me over from the guest chairs. Perfect. “Just get out of here,” I snapped. I wasn’t going to let him toy with my feelings. “Are you okay, Maddie?” he asked, looking concerned. “Don’t do this to me. Please,” I said, my voice cracking. “Do what? Maddie, I swear I wouldn’t do anything to you.”

He came over and stroked my hair. I was angry and confused. “It’s too late for that. Now leave,” I angrily said to him. “What did I do?” he looked at me, looking clueless. “Embarrassing me like that! You know, a simple ‘Sorry, I don’t feel the same way,’ would’ve worked!” I furiously said. “I never said anything, little girl. That was Dylan’s doing.” He said, still stroking my hair. He leaned in to my ear. “And he’s a liar. I’ve always loved you. I just was too nervous to tell you,” he softly whispered.

“Please, don’t do this to me,” I sobbed. “It’s just cruel to toy with my feelings like this!” Josh wiped my tears. “I’m not toying with you, Maddie.” he softly spoke. And, I believed him. Those brown eyes looked truly sorry. “I would never do that to you. I want you so bad I couldn’t even imagine doing that. He leaned in and kissed my cheek. “So, you and me, 7 pm on Friday?” He said with a charming smile. I couldn’t believe it. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I whispered.

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