Submitted by Bernard Wicks
Write a poem or story that reads as if it is beautiful, but is actually about something rather tragic.
For example, you might write about a beautiful sunset in an apocalyptic world, or a poem about the good things about heartbreak.
Change Of Ways
Finally, I’m going to be free. I’m going to be able to run without his chains dragging me back.
Soon I will speak of his manipulation and maybe he will pay the price rather than a slap on the wrist.
I will breath without him in the front of my mind. I will dance as a free woman. He took seven months of my life away from me. I’m going to take more. I’m ready to get dirt in my nails.
I’ve been growing my hair out and dressing like my mother so that I am no longer the young girl he groomed. Soon I’ll be able to braid my hair.
I just hope he gets what he deserves. I’m not asking for revenge. I’m telling you what happened. Do as you please.
Author’s Note: I’m sorry that this is short. It’s been a lot lately. I know this was kind of scattered. I’m exhausted even though I’ve been napping and resting for about three days.
Monday will bring change.