Intertwining Of Emotions



1. Deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone’s death.

2. Trouble or annoyance.

G r i e f

Grief is indeed annoying

As well as troublesome

Grief is full of sorrow

No matter the cause of it

But let’s focus on the death part shall we?

No matter the words I use

Or the pages I fill

I will never accurately describe grief for me

Or anyone else

It is unique

And almost impossible to describe


It is a deep pain that no one can heal

And a deep river of emotions that no one can stop

Unless you block them off

Block out the emotions and shut them out

That’s one way to handle it

But not always the best route

I try to let myself feel

Try to let myself cry

But it’s not always so easy

Because my tears come in the most inconvenient of times

Often in a room full of people

But that’s what grief is

It’s unpredictable


And often very uncomfortable

But before I fill these lines with


And sorrow

Let’s move on yes?



1. An intense feeling of deep affection.

2. A great interest and pleasure in something

L o v e

Love is the hope that keeps us alive

Love is the deep feeling that we have towards someone

The complicated thing is

Love is eternal

Love doesn’t die when it’s true

You don’t bury your feelings with them

The emotions don’t just die out

Or fade away like unplanted roses

They stay

They stay even when the person doesn’t

They stay even after you’ve said the most painful goodbye


Love is a messy feeling

Especially when the person you love is

Is gone

Is dead

Oh right!

We need to get back to love




Love is divine

Love is enriching

Love is deep affection

Love is full

Love is troublesome

Love is a deep river of emotions that no one can stop

Love is annoying

Love is sorrowful

Love is unpredictable and uncertain

You see?

You see my dear

Love really is just grief

Grief is love

Love is grief

And I don’t think you truly know grief

Without truly knowing love first

So let me tell you

Don’t ever feel bad about your grief

About your sorrow

Because that’s your proof

Your proof that you loved them

And that’s something to be proud of

That’s something that you should be able to scream from the rooftops

No matter how much time has passed

You loved them

There’s no shame In that

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