You are stuck in a room with a psychopath who wants to kill you. You have 5 minutes to convince them otherwise.
Write a short speech to convince this desolate individual to spare your life.
Have We Met Before?
“Do you do this often?” I ask.
“Shut up, I dont’t have time for this.
“I mean, You have already said that you are going to kill me. I just want to know a little bit about you.”
“I said shut up. By the way, seem awfully calm for somebody who is about to die.”
“Death is nothing to be afraid of. I know many people are, but I am not one of them.”
“And why is that?”
“Why should I fear something that I have not experienced? For that matter, nobody has experienced. Are you afraid of dying?”
“Shut up”
“ I mean there a number of people who have come close and have been brought back from the edge. But they did not complete the act.”