The impact of what I had just done hit me a couple minutes later, bringing me to my knees.
The sun was just setting and we were getting ready for the 1830 launch. The flight deck was a buzz with activity. Pilots were doing there preflight checks and ground crews were buttoning up the aircraft and getting them ready for the laun...
Being on the waterfront there is always the smell of fish in varying stages of decay. However, it seemed like the further I walked the stronger the smell became. I most be getting close to the market.
It was a warm early summer day, temperature in the high 80’s and the humidity was high enough to sweat the balls off a pool table. My dad always said that I had a poor grade of skin because it leaks...
I felt my way along the wall until I reached the door. I carefully opened it, turned right and slowly headed up the stairs. I needed to get to the back of the closet in the room down the hall. I knew they would be starting their search soon.
I finally reached my destination, located the laundry shoot and climbed in. It was a bit of a tight squeeze. I guess I filled out a little since I used to pl...
“Do you do this often?” I ask.
“Shut up, I dont’t have time for this.
“I mean, You have already said that you are going to kill me. I just want to know a little bit about you.”
“I said shut up. By the way, seem awfully calm for somebody who is about to die.”
“Death is nothing to be afraid of. I know many people are, but I am not one of them.”
“And why is that?”
“Why should I fear something that I ...