Write a poem on any topic you like using slant rhyme.
Slant rhyme is where two words sound very similar, but do not exactly rhyme. For example: soon/gloom, cloud/doubt.
Waited For
I’m feeling a little sick
of people and socializing
and all of the above.
A lot more anxiety is rising.
“I’m sorry I wrote 10 words,
that explained my brain.”
You seem to hate my guts,
but, to me, it’s all the same.
I’m used to the hate
that people tend to give.
You seem to dislike the fact
that I can dismiss and outlive.
You wouldn’t even care
if I was bruised and beaten.
If my species had gone extinct.
No way such shallowness could deepen.
This orange storm
is the largest when a certain
soul comes into it’s view.
You seem to make everything worsen.
The console’s now forever
turned a shade between red and yellow.
I always held my breath
and waited for your hello.
Don’t mind that. Anyways, which movie do you think was referenced?