The Clock Tower

“ Well, sit down, dearie. Would you like a cuppa tea? “

The old woman asks.

I say no, and sit down on the green velvet cushion placed on the wooden floor, in front of her. I look up and stare at the enormous clock, signalling two minutes to midnight. I look back at the old woman, who’s looking at me, as if to observe all of my facial features.

“ What a lovely face you have, darling. Now, you must tell me, why are you here? “

She pushes a lock of grey hair behind her ear as she says that.

I decide to answer honestly.

“ I don’t know. “

I truly didn’t remember how I’d gotten there. It felt like all of my memories before that had been blurred, I couldn’t even remember my name. If I had one.

The old woman smiles.

“ Of course, sorry for asking. Most of my visitors don’t remember why they are here. It’s perfectly normal, don’t worry. “

Suddenly, I hear the clock chime midnight, interrupting our conversation.

“ Oh! It’s already time. Come out, dearies.

She lifts her right arm, and out of her sleeve crawl what look like thousands of black spiders, and they head towards the clock.

“ You see, these are my assistants. They reset the clock. They are very precise creatures, after all, if they just move the clocks hands slightly wrong, time itself would crumble. Take a look outside the window, now, dearie. It really is a wonderful sight. “

I turn my head towards it, and gasp. Night moved to day and then back to night, the sun rising and setting and the same with the moon, all at the same moment. It was probably the most stunning thing I would ever see.

Then, the moon enters the sky and once again it is night.

“ Before you go, I should give you this. “

The old woman hands me a crumpled piece of paper, with written on it a familiar name.


“ Alya. “

I whisper. Yes, that was my name.

“ thank you, miss “

I say. I look up to properly thank her, but she is already gone. In fact, I find myself sat on a pile of leaves instead of the velvet cushion I was sure I was sitting on before. And the only remains of the clock tower I found her in, were ruins covered in ivy. Then the paper in my hand turned into something similar to ashes, and was pushed out of my hand by the wind, floating in the sky.


As I said, I’m so sorry because this probably isn’t one of my best writings, but I’m very busy these days 🥲. Sorry!!

I guess I kinda wanted to give Mia Zaki vibes? Not sure 😅

Once again, sorry if I’m not writing so much these days! Really sorry 😢

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