The Children From The Orphanage(part 4/5)

(Could be the prompt? Not sure about the doors part tho)

I remember mommy. I remember daddy. I remember seeing them dead. I remember their faces. Moms dark hair and kind smile, dads short hair and bright green eyes. I remember blood being spilled on mommy’s white dress and daddy’s suit. I remember their dull eyes. I can’t get the images out of my head, and now I’m here. They numb my thoughts. They help me. They saved me.

no No NO! Get that idea out of your head! They captured you!








I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

I’m ok

They’re coming again, they love me, they told me I’m special. I am special! That’s what they said.

“Come on Number 1. Let’s go.”

They must love me, they game me a pretty diary and a pencil to write in it. They have to love me.

“Number 1, come on!”

They don’t yell, I must be confused. Yeah, see, I’m confused. They’re carrying me now so they can’t me mad. Mommy carried me up to bed when she was happy, not angry, so they must be happy. They’re embrace reminds me of mommy… I can’t keep my eyes op… I can’t…


I wake up on my bed, one bed in rows and rows of beds. So many beds. There weren’t this many beds home, right? No, this is home. That’s not my home anymore.

I’m home here.

I don’t remember my mommy’s face, I never thought I would forget that. Something feels weird and wrong, but I’m home, so it must be fine.






I’m home.

I fall asleep, dreaming of unfamiliar faces.

They come again today. They come again but I don’t remember what they do. I don’t remember… I don’t… I feel like I should remember something. Something before I came here. Did I have a mom before this?

I don’t think so. The people here are my family, like they always have been, and like they always will be. I’m home here. I’m home.

There’s another one here today.

He sleeps in a corner and doesn’t talk. I want to talk to him, but I’m shy. What if he hurts me? He doesn’t talk at all, but I don’t either. Maybe I should talk to him? I walk over, slowly and cautiously.

He looks at me, and I don’t know what to say as I stare into his green eyes. I’ve never seen that color of eyes before. It looks, familiar, almost? But I would remember such a vibrant shade of green, I’m sure of it.

He keep looking at me, and I finally speak.

“Hi,” I whisper, barely making a sound. At first he doesn’t answer, maybe I was too quiet.

But then he looks at me with those bright green eyes and says, “Hi, what’s your name?”

“Number 1, you?”

“Mi- I mean, I’m number 2.”

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