
She fakes a smile so she

Doesn’t worry anyone else,

Not like they would care

She listens to their problems,

Just to later hear the crap they

Speak about her behind her back

She tells herself it doesn’t matter

Their happiness means more and

Bottles up her feelings

She learned to control her

Nonstop rambling, they

Already stopped listening

She tried to ignore their

Constant comments, criticizing

On how she looks

She held back her tears

Until she was in the safety

Of her bed

She dealt with their anger when

She refused to do something

That she wasn’t okay doing

She didn’t stop until she

Realized that the bottle

Was about to crack

She was starting to fall into

Depression, anxiety had

Came sometime earlier

She was losing who she

Really was, forgetting how

To be truly happy

She then decided to leave,

And leave she did, trying to

Find happiness in anything

She started to find herself

Again, and this time I am

Trying not to lose it

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