

"Daddy!" I yelled.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Can we move da doll house ovr der?"

He smiles down at me with the love of a father, and says, "Of course princess."


"Woah! Wait, I'm I doing it right? Haha!"

"Yup. Perfect," he said gritting his teeth.

"Hey it's okay dad, just loosen up!"

"Don't hit that car!"

I laughed while he grabbed the overhead handle.


"Your so grown up," he cried.

"Oh daddy," I ran and hugged him.

"I love you."

"I love you too dad."

I walked to grab my diploma, and I hear my dad's cheer from across the room. I smile with tears in my eyes.


"My dad is the best. He will love you!" I say to Joseph.

"I don't know. I'm still nervous."

"You'll do great."

I open the door to my house, and I see my dad sitting on the couch, looking at the newspaper.


"Hi princess," he says without looking up.

"Dad, meet Joseph. My boyfriend."

He stays frozen on the couch. I hold my breath as he finally gets up to meet him.

"Joseph, this is my dad. Dad, this is Joseph!"

"Hello Sir. It's a pleasure to meet you," he says nervously.

My dad acts stiff and doesn't shake hands with him. I cringe as he just nods his head. Joseph looks at me, and I can tell he's terrified. Dad laughs loudly and brings him into a hug.

"Take good care of her," he whispered in his ear.

"I... I will."


"I will not walk this earth without you," I cry as my father lies still on the hospital bed.

"I can't walk this earth without you."

Joseph's arm is around my shoulder, trying to comfort me. I broke down into sobs as the beep on the machine fell silent.


"It's going to be okay."


I walk down the aisle with tears in my eyes. Joseph looks at me like I'm astounding. But I'm also crying because daddy couldn't walk me down the aisle.

"You may kiss the bride."

And oh did he kiss me. Father loved him, and he would be crying like a baby. I just wish he could have been there. He was all I had, except for Joseph.

"Now you really are my forever love," he whispered in my ear.

I felt his love shine on me the rest of the night, and knew that father wasn't replaced, but now a new love that was physical. Daddy would always be with me, and Joseph will always be there for comfort.


"Mama! Can we move da doll house ovr der?"

"Of course sunshine," I teared up by the exact words I said to my father when I was her age.

"Did you know I said the same thing you said to Papa when I was your age?"

"Tell me mor abo...about Papa!"

"Your Papa loves you like crazy from above, and always had a good sense of humor."

"Papa! I wuv Papa too."


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