Inspired by Sydney Kuder
Using your favourite fictional characters from two different stories, create a scene where they meet.
You don't have to tell us who they are, but think about their personalities and how they would get along.
Murderer And A British Man?
Five was walking into Griddys Donuts, more specifically Five Hargreeves. (FROM THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY AND THEY RUINED THE FOURTH SEASON FOR FIVE) Anyways Five sits down at the booth and got a coffee. Someone limps in, obviously taller than Five by a few inches. He observes the boy, he looked 17. Five himself was 58 in a 13 year olds body. The boy sits a seat away from Five.
“Sorry to bother you but whats coffee?” The boy says in a British accent.
Five looks at him like he asked why the skys blue, “What flavor of dumbass are you?”
The boy rolls his eyes, “I’ve nevah had coffee or donuts before. Don't be so rude ya’.”
Five scoffs, “Do you like bitter drinks?”
Five rolls his eyes and looks at the waitress, “A black coffee for the kid, you have money kid?”
“Uh… no not yet.”
Five groans and puts money on the table.
“Cheers mate,” The boy smiles, obviously thinking its sweet a little kid is doing this.
Five clenches his teeth at the look, he knows that look. “If your thinking I'm a kid then I assure you I'm not. I'm mentally 58, kid.” Five scowls taking a sip of his coffee.
“Oh- uh… alright…” They boy says looking Five over.
“Who even are you?” Five finally asks.
“I’m Newt.”
“Newt what?” Five sighs annoyed that this Newt kid can't even introduce himself properly.
“Just Newt… I don't have a last name.”
Five eyes flicker in some sympathy before crushing it down, “Orphan?”
“Yeah… somethin’ like that…” Newt says, taking a breath before speaking again, “And you are?”
Five pauses and evaluates the pros and cons of telling his name, “….. Five, Five Hargreeves.”
“Nice to meet you,” Newt smiles slightly and offers his hand.
“Nice to meet you too…” Five looks him over and carefully shakes his hand.
“You live round’ here?” Newt says as the waitress sets down his coffee.
Five observes the waitress before answering, “I do, I’m guessing you just got here.”
“Sure did,” Newt says before sipping the coffee and coughing, “Bloody hell-“
Five scoffs suppressing a smile, “You said you liked bitter drinks.”
“Well I didn’t know this would be more bitter than Gallys concoction,” Newt coughs putting the coffee down.
“Gally? He’s a friend?” Five asks turning to face him.
Newt looks away disgusted, “Old friend.”
Five watched him and crosses his arms, “I see, where are you from anyways.”
“I wish I could tell you.”
He looks at him confused, “Why can’t you?”
Newt looks over, “Well wasn’t exactly a place.”
“What was it then?”
“A… facility…”
Five leans closer, “Named what?”
This sat in my drafts for too long. I was too tired to work on it lol.
People don’t like my right now but I’m figuring it out.
Girls can be just friends with boys right?