You begin to hear a voice singing to you, a voice that nobody else can hear. It slowly grows louder, and carries a sinister message.
Create a poem based on this concept. You may wish to include the voice's words and use them throughout the poem.
Twisted Fate
A voice that nobody else can hear
Singing a song of sorrow and fear
It grows louder with each passing day
A sinister message it has to say
You try to ignore it, but it won't go
It's with you wherever you may go
A constant companion, a haunting tune
It fills your mind and consumes your thoughts
You feel its power, a dark embrace
It pulls you in, you can't escape
You try to fight, but it's too strong
The voice has won, you're all alone
It whispers to you, a deadly rhyme
A promise of darkness, a life of crime
You can't resist, you're under its spell
The voice controls you, it's all you can tell
You've lost yourself, you're not the same
The voice has changed your very name
You're a puppet, a pawn in its game
Forever trapped, you're the voice's gain
You'll never be free, you'll never be whole
The voice will always have control
It's won the battle for your soul
A dark and twisted fate, your final goal.