Growth Inside

When a seed

Is planted

It takes months

To grow

**_When I placed

The syringe into you

You were asleep


During those months

The seed must be given

Plenty of sunshine

And rain

**_I fed the creature

Inside of you

Through the food

That I cooked_**

When a bud

Pops out the ground

Then you know

You have a growing plant

**_When you first started coughing

I knew it was working

The dark, black blood

Was taking over inside_**

Overtime the plant

Will get larger

It depends on the plant

But soon it will have flowers or bear fruit

**_Your veins turned dark

Your form thin

Your eyes weak

You couldn’t leave now, so helpless!_**

And there you go!

You created your own form

Of life

Good job!

**_All mine

My plant had grown

So, so well

And now you were mine _**


(Bleh, free write. Thanks for reading and have a nice day!)

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