No More Deadweight

It’s so nice to be around people who are worth my time.

Life feels like floating now that I’ve cut off my dead weight.

I can breathe the air in clearly now,

My chest no longer heavy.

I thought I would be doing worse than I am.

Actually, this is the best I’ve felt in a while.

None of these dickheads from my past are on my mind.

Not right now at least.

Right now I’m living the life.

I walked into a store today that I’ve found anxious for me.

Anxious because I could get unlucky and see someone,

One of those dickheads who I’ve written about prolifically.

But today I wasn’t scared.

I resolved to get my drinks,

Punch her clean in the face,

And walk away.

This hypothetical didn’t happen of course.

But just the idea of it gave me confidence.


She can go and have her miserable little life.

I’m out here making the best of mine.

So it feels good.

Yeah, it really does.

I’ve got my friends to rely on.

True friends that I can rely on,

And for once I’m thinking a bit about me.

Taking care of myself,

It’s nice.

I am worthy of spending time on myself.

And that started,

With getting rid of deadweight.

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