Flying feels like falling

I laugh off his comment.

"Who said we're going together?"

His eye twitches and the color drains from his face.

"You mean we don't go on the same one?"


"But you'll do great," I say with sarcasm filling my tone.

The ground looks even further than it ever has before. I gulp and prepare myself for the worst. So I jump.

All I can hear is the wind whipping past my ears and I close my eyes tight. I push the button on my backpack and the parachute releases. I look at my surroundings from above. It's beautiful. Our town looks so small from the view, and grassy green planes surround it. What I once though was the tallest building ever is so tiny that it could be a gummy bear.

"Woohoo!" I shout.

I look to my right, and there James is, clenching his hands tight to the backpack, and eyes squeezed shut.

"James! Come look at the view!"

"Not in a million years, Stanton!" he calls back.

I grin and make my way to be next to him.

"Boo," I say as I tap his nose. His eyes open and I see a glimmer in them but only for a few seconds. He makes the mistake of looking down and pure terror fills his face.

"Hey, it's not all that bad."

"Right. Like jumping off of a plane so far up in the sky is the normal."

I laugh so much that he starts to chuckle too. I can feel his gaze on my face so I (sarcastically) give him the same look back. His hand moves a piece of hair away from my face. It's no use, since we're falling back to earth. My heart does a flitter flutter but I push it out of my thoughts.

"So, you like the feeling of flying?"

"Well, flying feels like falling, so not really,"

"but at least I'm falling," my hearing goes out for a second so I couldn't hear the word he said, "you."

"What?" I yell, hoping he'll hear me over the loud noise.


His dark green eyes stare into mine and I feel the flitter flutter feeling again. I look away, looking down to the world below me. I seem so small compared to the world below me. If that building looks so tall and now is a gummy bear, then I can only imagine how small I am.

That's when my heart goes zing. I look back to James, who is also taking in the good view. Zing. He's handsome, and willing to take on the adventure, even if it's crazy, like skydiving. His eyes, his beautiful handsome gorgeous eyes give me a look. And I can tell it's a look only made for me. Zing.

It feels like he searches my soul through his eyes, and he's now found the place where my heart goes zing. He brushes back the hair behind me ear, and leans in.

My heart goes zing a thousand times more when he kisses me. It the best, sweetest, lightest kiss. It's perfect. It's so perfect, that I think our lips were made to be for eachother.

"I still feel like we're falling but I feel like I'm flying when I'm with you," he jumbles his words.

"Falling feels like flying, at least it does when I'm with you."


The last line was not my idea, it was my bestie Taylor's idea.

Oh I'm going to update my pfp pic.

Thank you everyone for you support!


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