by Sans @

Write a halloween horror in less than 10 sentences.

Pretty on the Inside

What remained of her flesh fell from her bones as she sat on the bench, just waiting. Every Halloween she would rise and long for her baby, listening for any trace of him; a wail, a coo, or a laugh. She remembered it all, the wedding night, the husband she was sold to, and at the end of the night the murder of her beloved 6 month old. Tears fell from her bones as she relived her torment. “He’s just a bastard, a piece of filth, a nothing.” Her father’s words echoed. She shuddered with remembrance and agony. Closing her eyes, she flashes back to the knife slicing little Anthony’s neck open and how the blood sprayed everywhere much like a hose. She opens her eyes to come back to reality. A high pitched cry fills the distant air….
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