Revolution Within

The voices are loud again

Have they ever been quiet?

The people are kind again

Can’t have attachments

But why?

People are unpredictable, it will be unsafe

She’s pretty and sweet like sugar on the tongue

Once she finds out she’ll run

Maybe that’s true but I don’t have to tell

If you don’t your obsession will grow

Voice or reason? Or voice of death?

I’m only here to help

Somehow I doubt that

You doubt everything, what’s new

At least I make friends unlike you

I don’t loose them

Yes you do

How so?

Because I am you

I am nothing like you

Perhaps that’s so but we are one

It’s been so long since you’ve come out

I’ve been hiding in the shadows hoping my death wouldn’t matter

Death that failed with pills and bottles? And rivers of water?

Why can’t I struggle? Everything you say is detrimental

Maybe I’m just realistic





Not today I choose my own way

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