Inspired by EnglishGirl112
He had never planned on attacking them. He didn't want revenge; he didn't want war... That is until they bought the war to him.
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For Mia
For those of you reading this who are not Mia - her name is pronounced “Maya.”
Also, Mia, these have a snarky-insulting vibe, but I can write him a death letter too.
**_Screw him (acrostic poem)_**
**S**elfish, lying
**C**alculating, manipulative
**R**eally trashy,
**E**vil little two-faced
**W**aste of space/time/life.
**H**ow did he not see the wonderful girl right in front of him?
**I**s he blind? Does he need glasses?
**M**aybe he has some kind of disability? Maybe he needs help?
**_No, not really
_**In a situation like this,
I would usually feel bad for the guy.
He’s missing out on knowing this amazing girl,
Who’s kind
And caring
And friendly
And loving
And welcoming.
It’s sad, really, that he doesn’t see that.
Usually, I’d pity him for not getting to be blessed by knowing her.
But this particular him?
Do I feel bad for him?
No, not really.
And usually I would wonder if he hates himself.
I would pity that, too.
Because someone who’s so horrible to other people…
It’s probably because he hates himself.
He grew up with a bad family,
Had toxic friends,
And now takes it out on the people who are too kind to hate him.
That’s what I’d usually think.
But it doesn’t matter how bad he feels,
Doesn’t matter how he was raised.
There’s no excuse for being hurtful.
No excuse to manipulate someone else’s mind.
So do I feel bad for his (probably) troubled past?
No, not really.
_**I don’t know, I just thought of these and wondered if you’d like them.
1. If You Don’t Like Me by Chloe Adams
2. I Am Not Nothing by Beth Crowley
3. Victoria’s Secret by Jax (not quite your current issue, but it’s got the right “screw the world” feeling)
4. HOPE by NF
I don’t know what genre of music you like, so I don’t know if you’ll like these. You definitely don’t have to listen to them.