But He Seemed So Nice

(Mentions of abuse and sexual activities briefly)

Softness blurs

Enveloping me

Take me to a place I’ve never been


My love

Lie me down in grass covered graves

Where we can embrace in fickle death


This pavement is so cold

And so hard

Did you not promise



Did you not promise you’d be gentle?

This craven lust takes away the romance

Of the slap

You leave upon my lips

Cradle me


Drink me in

Till I’m drowning in your syrupy mess

Contrary to thoughts I’ve jut spoken

Confusion and dizziness is blissful

Heart attack with the Hersheys kiss you left on my pillow

Gas station clerk looked you up and down

We fought later

You said it was my fault

That I attracted attention

Not your yelling

Skirt twisting

Knickers revealing

The sour sickliness of your apology

Your tongue meant to say it all

Yet your silence saying more

Honey your just a scent

Fooling no one

Of your solidity

Shifting in and out of my life like a dream

Perhaps I prefer dull reality

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