
Your smile is reassuring when you tell me it's fine.

I don't have to words to explain why it's not.

I don't have autonomy.

And don't act like having control over my homework assignments equates to anything real.

I can decorate my room,

Choose what I study

Don't act like that's power.

When your smile stretches to holyrood,

stormont and senedd.

Anyways you smile. You hand me something.

A ship, (not in a bottle). For my room.

You call it trident.

And no isn't a word in my vocabulary.

When it comes to you at least,

My big brother.

So I put it up on my shelf

The very top one.

And I sit there,

The settled dust in my stomach rises once more

A sandstorm of whirling and varying opinions

I don't want it.

But I know you would just give it to one of the twins instead, so maybe this is for the best.

The walls are thin, Brother.

I can hear what happens in your room,

You're arguing. You're always arguing.

Making decisions for us,

Making deals for us,

You make enemies for us.

Now you say it comes with the territory.

That you had to do it.

Like you had to give me trident?

Like you had to fuck us over?

Time and time again?

Did you really?

This isn't part of it I just wanted to explain each line. Basically a tangent abt the UKs politics so feel free to ignore

So this is abt the relationship between England and Scotland and the first three lines is to just show the lack of power that Scotland has. The mentions of homework/ studying and decorating the room are references to the devolved powers that Scotland has for example they have (partial) control over their education system and their environmental laws. Holyrood, Stormont and Senedd are the parliaments of Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales and even though they supposedly were given devolved power, Westminster (English/UK parliament) has a lot of control and these parliaments are often not in use (stormont is basically abandoned). Trident is the ship that houses all of the UKs nuclear weapons and it is located in the sea surrounding Scotland, the reference to it not being in a bottle is an attempt to emphasise the unsafety and exposure that Scotland must feel. Scotland can't really say no to the UK either bc we kind of rule them. I said top shelf bc I thought it was based in north Scotland but I googled it and it's actually west and I cba to change it so. The settled dust is bc Scotland and the UK have been having a bit of friction especially when there was a Scottish referendum to leave the UK(they chose to stay😭) but they kind of layed low for a bit until the brexit referendum where the divide between Scotland and the UK became bigger (since Scotland wanted to stay). The twins are a reference to Wales and Northern Ireland, Scotland is definitely the most independent out of all of them and has the most devolved power and honestly they're just baby countries. The thin walls are a reference to the border between England and Scotland and how most of the decisions Westminster makes affect Scotland too. Deals and enemies is a reference to brexit, obviously Scotland wanted to stay and now we've trashed their relationship with the EU. And yeah so now because of this Scotland doesn't like us. And rightly so honestly.

Anyways sorry for the political rant, I'm not an expert I just do gcse citizenship😭 so if anything is wrong, I'm sorry, just lmk and I'll update anything

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