All You

Did you love me?

Or did I love you?

It’s a two way street, I know

But did we split down those streets?

I cherished you, I cared about you

It’s so crazy, that my heart could have felt so much

I’m broken, but you made me feel

Maybe I fell too fast, maybe I fell too far

But I’ll never regret knowing you

I’ll never regret thinking of you

I’ll never forget you

If life has taught me anything

It’s that people like you

Kind, funny, supportive

Do exist

Even if I don’t get you

Even if I cry myself to sleep thinking of you

I’ll still smile in my tears

Dream of you while I live in my nightmare life

You’re my dream

You’re my soul

You’re my reason

For everything I do

It’s for you

My tears

My smiles

My heart

My soul

It’s all you

It’s all you

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