Rewind Time

If only I could rewind time to when I was young , A time were I sung till my lung gave out . Where crime was so little and far to come by . A time where we fly on holiday and spend time living not always giving happiness , But smiles aren’t a present you give to receive . A place were struggle were none existent a time so carefree a place that we wished we could stay and live our life away .

If I could go back to my teens before bills and skills destroy my chance of getting a job . Where hobbies filled my life before work killed my pride . Always left to restart a race were i never came first place .

If I could rewind to time where judgement didn’t exist I would never find a moment .

I was judged from my first breath I took , even as a child I lived a life always put to the test with no sign of rest . Did I walk to early or too late ? Every test I failed every mark of success praised . But the struggle to uphold that sense of achievement is a heavy weight to bare . But no one cares as long as I succeed in the dream of the person they perceive me to be .

If I could rewind to the first time we kissed , That first argument , The first apology. That day my tears grew heavy as my mind weighed out the pain to everything I can gain from our relationship as our love begins to fry thread by thread clung together by the that very dream of a life we would spend together , but I can’t tie a knot full of lies . Now a distorted future stand before my eyes like a shattered mirror as the reflection becomes unclear .

If I could rewind time to that very day where my fate changed , where I froze at your gaze as I entered the maze of your sinful games . I would try and put up a fight to not surrender to the struggle even if it’s the last thing I do .

Even though you committed a crime that the law defines . I still felt partly to blame .

There a sense of dread that clouds my head right before bed . The nightmare haunt my sleep as I lay nested under the sheets . But I can never get a good night rest as the action you inflicted are all that left to wonder my mind a never ending quest .

Instead I’m left with people pity as they try to explain the event I endure weren’t my fault . The support is available it doesn’t need to be bought the cost of my assualt has left me broken with no hope of a return so I’m left having to learn to cope with pain that will always remain .

If only there was a red button to restart life . A button to erase all the pain to forget every mistake every decision that led to a fate full of gloom to rid my future the one full of doom , It funny for you to assume I wouldn’t press that button in a heartbeat .

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