On The Brink Of Breaking

Then it begins. The chilling of your bones; your arms numb and covered in goosebumps as the hairs on your skin stick up. Your pounding heartbeat, practically knocking you down and it echoing so loudly that you can barely hear your own breathing. Your breathing is quickened. The adrenaline coursing through your veins has made you feel overwhelmed with energy and power, which makes it hard to breath. It’s like you’re gasping for air. Beneath you is miles of jungle as far as the eye can see. Greenery and wildlife surrounds you. You’re falling straight down to a tree and your clinging onto your backpack with every ounce of strength left in your body. You can feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins so intensely that they look like they could burst through your skin at any moment. Your eyes are twitching rapidly, leaving your vision blurred and mixed. You pull the string. The string to release the very thing that’s keeping you from imploding entirely. The string that your life depends on. The string that’s holding every inch of your trembling body together. You pull it to save your life; but it’s too late.

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